Cteen is an international program for teenagers between 13 and 17 years old which provides a nurturing environment where teens can learn about themselves through giving to others, identify with individuals who share the same faith, and be part of a group that focuses on building positive core values. Cteen international was designed several years ago with the aim of opening our teens to meet other Jewish teens from other countries by creating a network of Jewish teens worldwide. It is not a youth movement, but rather a Jewish teen discussion group who wants to connect with their own Jewish roots while seeing beyond their national boundaries. The programme this year consists of 9 gatherings in the evening from 18:30 to 20:30, including community missions before the Jewish holidays, 1 Shabbaton in Brussels, and optional one week end gathering all CTeen Europe in one of the European capital, and one trip to NY, gathering all the CTeen worldwide during the winter break in February.
This year's dates:
September 26: Get ready for the High Holidays
November 14: Shabbat: Comment? et Pourquoi dit-on que ce ne sont pas les Juifs qui ont gardé le Shabbat mais le Shabbat qui a gardé les Juifs.
November 15: Shabbat plein avec toutes les filles. Arrivée avant 16:15, Les parents nous rejoignent pour le dîner à 18:30; Les filles dorment à la maison en mode camping.
November 16: Orientation à la Synagogue, repas de midi, Balade et jeux jusqu'à 18:00
December 19: Chanukah preps
February 6: Tu B'shvat preps
February 27 - March 3: Jewish Pride in New York
April 3: Pesach preps
May 22: Shavuot preps
June 26: How to deal with social media
Participation in our activities does not confirm Jewish statues. EJCC follows Halacha standards in all activities. For the definition of Halacha on Jewish statues, read more here:
Tuition fee: 129€
EJCC Account number: BE10 3631 6154 0204
IBAN: BE10 3631 6154 0204
Bank: ING
Participation is not conditional to payment. Scholarships are available on demand. Reach out.